LEX(e)CON “Smart Entrepreneurship for People with Dyslexia“
Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities with a high frequency of appearance. People who suffer from it have reading, writing and sometimes numerical difficulties. It is a chronic condition that can be improved with early diagnosis. However, adults with dyslexia, especially those with an entrepreneurial spirit, need a more specialized, customised and inclusive training environment in order to fully exploit their potential.
In this context, the LEX(e)CON project: “Smart Entrepreneurship for People with Dyslexia”, was born. LEX(e)CON is a 28-month Erasmus+ cooperation partnership in the field of Adult Education, which is aligned with the EU adult education policy cooperation strategy 2019-2027, focusing mainly on boost entrepreneurship for adults with dyslexia by developing innovative training. tools and methodologies.
The LEX(e)CON project, “Smart Entrepreneurship for People with Dyslexia” aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Awareness: raising awareness in adult education about the many adults with dyslexia who do not have adequate support at school. Especially in countries like Turkey, Greece or Hungary.
- Opening Adult Education: promote a more specialized and inclusive education.
- Participation for People with Dyslexia: involving people with dyskexia in working life to reach leadership positions in management and running their own companies.
Throughout 28 months of project implementation, the Partnership set the following results and outcomes to be achieved:
- PR1 – Analysis Report: an analysis of the situation and needs of people with dyslexia will be carried out.
- PR2 – Training Course: An inclusive training course will be developed for special education staff, adults, companies or organizations that work with adults with dyslexia.
- PR3 – Learning Platform: A digital platform will be created where all the didactic material developed will be uploaded to make it more accessible.
- PR4 -Certification: All participants in our training course will be certified as “DET – Dyslexia Entrepreneurship Trainers” with ISO 17024.
- Adult living with dyslexia: who will take advantage of the new methodology and tools to boost their entrepreneurship potential and skills
- Adult Education Providers
- Special education providers: special education center staff, professional adult support, local or regional business developers.
- Business developers: Business developers can be business development agencies, business incubators, start-up centres, consultants and many more actors or decision makers in politics and economy which support people in founding or skills upgrading.

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No: 2021-2-AT01-KA220-ADU-000048225