EAGLE “Educate the Educators: Facilitate Adult educators to apply the principles of Andragogy via the use of the Game-Based Simulation learning”
EAGLE: “Educate the Educators: Facilitate Adult educators to apply the principles of Andragogy via the use of the Game-Based Simulation learning” is a 2-year Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Adult Education, aiming to innovate within the Adult Learning Experience through the development of learner-centered educational content through using game-based simulations incorporating the principles of Andragogy to the educational experience, encouraging adult learners to achieve their learning goals through engaging and motivational methodologies.
During 2 years of project implementation, EAGLE will develop the following outcomes and results:
Multilingual and Multilevel Project Website available in English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Greek, Estonian and French.
EAGLE Training Modules, an in-depth training program incorporating the principles of andragogy into both new and existing adult learning opportunities, designed to assist trainers in innovating within adult learning, covering 3 key topics: Green Skills and Sustainability, Employees’ Rights in Teleworking and Digital Skills for Adult Educators.
EAGLE Educational Scenarios, a methodological guide to incorporating Game-Based Learning to Educational offers and learning opportunities, including a documented guide to the implementation of GBL methodologies, along with 6 GBL scenarios developed from key topics of the project incorporating andragogy principles into Game-Based Learning and Education.
EAGLE 3D Platform, a cutting-edge, custom 3D virtual world learning environment, incorporating the learning opportunities developed in the project to the 3D virtual world, allowing educators and learners to experience the learning modules developed and test their knowledge through the project’s game-based learning scenarios, improving trainers’ capacity to deliver and incorporate game-based learning and andragogy methodologies in their curriculum.
3D Platform Manual, containing methodological guides on implementing the 3D platform, as well as all the project’s educational opportunities, into adult education and training curriculums. In addition, the project will involve 120 adult educators and action-takers in the field of learning to pilot and disseminate the project and its deveoped content and methodologies.
Dissemination and Multiplier events, including final project conference in Brussels, to ensure promotion of the project’s developed methodologies and educational opportunities and a high sustainability to the project.
- Educators.
- Adult Learners.
- Trainers and educators involved in or interested in game-based learning and innovative methodologies.
- Potential Stakeholders such as educational institutions and policy makers.
- Over the course of the project’s development, further stakeholders and potential target groups will be identified and approached.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project No: 2023-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000160099